News -  June 25, 2024

IAS Senior Fellow Prof. DAI Xi Wins Tan Kah Kee Science Award and Highest Honor of State Natural Science Award

Prof. Dai Xi Won Tan Kah Kee Science Award & State Natural Science Award

Dr. William M. W. Mong Professor of Nanoscience and IAS Senior Fellow Professor DAI Xi received the Tan Kah Kee Science Award in Mathematics & Physics for his achievements in topological electronic states.  He and his collaborators also received the State Natural Science Award (First Class) from President XI Jinping for the same groundbreaking discoveries that opened up new avenues of innovations in condensed matter physics and materials science.

The Tan Kah Kee Science Awards are presented every two years in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, life sciences, earth sciences, information technology sciences, and technological sciences. Each winner of the Awards will receive the amount of money prize of RMB 1 million, as well as a gold medal and a certificate. The State Natural Science Award, on the other hand, is China's most prestigious honor in the field of natural science, aiming to recognize academic excellence in basic and applied research.


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