
Visiting Professors have been collaborated with IAS since 2006
Events have been engaged by our community
Nobel laureates invited for knowledge sharing in IAS events
Research fund grants were awarded to IAS Junior Fellows

“The facilities that the IAS offers and its environment, are as close as one hopes to get to perfection for researchers and students wishing to learn.”

Prof. Christopher Pissarides
IAS Helmut & Anna Pao Sohmen Professor-at-Large; 2010 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences

“The IAS is an intellectual hub and a platform for interdisciplinary interaction that not only benefits the local community but also exerts a global impact. I believe this is why the IAS attracts the best researchers and scholars.”

Dr. XU Duoduo
IAS Junior Fellow (2017-2019); Currently Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, HKU

“Our goal is to offer students hands-on experience in music and the arts, to help them understand what it means to be a creative artist.”

Prof. Bright SHENG
IAS Helmut & Anna Pao Sohmen Professor-at-Large

“The programs and workshops organized by the IAS provide a good platform for bringing theorists, experimentalists and accelebrator physicists together to interact.”

Prof. LUK Kam-Biu
IAS Paul C W Chu Professor

“Nowadays, major research breakthroughs almost always happen in the interdisciplinary areas. Collaboration with experts in other fields is a must for scientific progress.”

Prof. HO Chih-ming
IAS Senior Visiting Fellow

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