News -  July 10, 2013

IAS Executive Director and Senior Fellow Won First Brillouin Medal for Groundbreaking Research in Phononics

HKUST Physicists Prof. Ping SHENG (IAS Senior Fellow), Prof. CHAN Che Ting (Executive Director of IAS) and Prof. Jason YANG were jointly awarded the inaugural Brillouin Medal by the International Phononics Society

HKUST Physicists Prof. SHENG Ping (IAS Senior Fellow), Prof. CHAN Che-Ting (Executive Director of IAS) and Prof. Jason YANG were jointly awarded the inaugural Brillouin Medal by the International Phononics Society (IPS) for their discovery of locally resonant acoustic / elastic metamaterials and related contributions. Prof Sheng and Prof Chan attended the second International Conference on Phononic Crystals / Metamaterials, Phonon Transport & Optomechanics (Phononics 2013) held at Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt in early June to receive the Medal and deliver the Award Lecture.

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