Prof. Jason HO


IAS Senior Visiting Fellow
Distinguished Professor of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Ohio State University

Prof. Jason HO


IAS Senior Visiting Fellow
Distinguished Professor of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Ohio State University

Research Areas:
Condensed Matter Theory, Quantum Gases, Bose Condensates

Prof. Jason Ho received his undergraduate education at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and graduate education at Cornell University. He joined the faculty of the Ohio State University in 1983 and was the Distinguished Professor of Mathematical and Physical Sciences in the Department of Physics until retirement in 2023. During the 2022-2023, he held the Hung Hing Ying Distinguished Visiting Professorship in Science and Technology at the University of Hong Kong.

Prof. Ho’s research covers the field of quantum fluids, quasi-crystals, quantum Hall effects, and quantum gases. He has served on many advisory and review committees of the funding agencies of the United States, Canada, Australia and China. He was also a board member of Aspen Center for Physics for ten years.

Prof. Ho was awarded the 2008 Lars Onsager Prize of American Physical Society for his contributions and leadership in cold atom physics. He is the inaugural recipient of the TOPTICA BEC Lifetime Award, established in 2021. He has been a Guggenheim Fellow, a Simons Fellow and a Sloan Fellow. He has also been elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

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