The Worldwide Program of Quantum Simulation: Overview and Issues
Currently, there is a worldwide effort to simulate strongly correlated electron systems in solids using cold atoms in optical lattices and in reduced dimension. The program is highly ambitious, with possibly enormous. In this talk, the speaker will describe the current situation of this effort, the main challenges and the possible solutions, as well as the exciting future prospects.
About the speaker
Prof. Jason Ho is a theoretical physicist in condensed matter physics. His research covers the field of quantum fluids, quasi-crystals, quantum Hall effects, and quantum gases. He received his undergraduate education at Chinese University of Hong Kong, and graduate education at Cornell University. He joined the faculty of the Ohio State University in 1983, and is currently a Distinguished Professor of Mathematical and Physical Sciences of the Ohio State University. He has served on many advisory and review committees of the funding agencies of the United States, Canada, and Australia. He was a also board member of Aspen Center for Physics for ten years. He is a Fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, a Fellow of American Physical Society, and a Fellow of John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. In 2008, he was awarded the Lars Onsager Prize of American Physical Society for his contributions and leadership in cold atom physics.