IAS Symposium

Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics - Topological Materials and Related Topics


The rapid development in the understanding of quantum states with non-trivial topological characters has triggered a huge amount of research activities in the search of topological materials, including topological insulators and topological superconductors, and has inspired deep questions in the study of what characterizes quantum states and quantum information. More recently, the question of how strong electronic correlation interplays with topology becomes a new focus of the field, and has led to development in for example, the topological Mott insulator and spin liquid states.

The goal of the program is to bring together researchers in this active area for an extensive period of time to exchange new research results, to further collaboration with researchers in Hong Kong and close-by areas, and to provide up-to-date research stimulation to graduate students and postdocs in close-by areas.

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