Dr. MA Guancong
Former IAS Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. MA Guancong
Former IAS Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. Ma Guancong received his BSc in Applied Physics from South China University of Technology in 2007 and his PhD in Physics from HKUST in 2012. From 2010 to 2013, Dr. Ma was a Coach of the Hong Kong Physics Olymiad. He also served as an Observer of Hong Kong team in several Asian and International Physics Olympiad.
Before joining IAS, Dr. Ma was appointed as a Research Associate in the Department of Physics at HKUST from 2012 to 2014. As an experimentalist, his research is on wave functional materials, with focuses on acoustic metamaterials and phononic crystals.
Dr. Ma works with Profs SHENG Ping, CHAN Che Ting and Mathias FINK. He also works with Prof. YANG Zhiyu, Department of Physics.
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Date / Period
Physical Review Letters
Nature Materials
Physical Review B
Physical Review Letters
Applied Physical Letters