Past Events


IAS Program on Particle Theory
Chaos of Chiral Condensate
August 29, 2016
IAS / School of Engineering Joint Seminar
Cutting Mechanics of Soft Materials and Fracture Energy Evaluation
August 26, 2016
IAS Program on Particle Theory
Exact Path Integral for 3D Quantum Gravity
August 26, 2016
IAS Program on Particle Theory
Tunneling in Axion Monodromy
August 26, 2016
IAS Program on Particle Theory
Meson Melting in 1+1 d
August 25, 2016
IAS Program on Particle Theory
Complete Action for Open Superstring Field Theory
August 18, 2016
IAS Distinguished Lecture
A New Perspective on Stem Cells in the Liver
August 12, 2016
IAS Program on Particle Theory
A Type of BSM Models with Hidden Strong Dynamics
August 09, 2016

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