Past Events


IAS Commons
The New Normal in China: Lessons from Europe
September 29, 2014
IAS Program on Wave Functional Materials
The Exploration of Topological Photonic States in Photonic Crystals
September 26, 2014
IAS / School of Science Joint Lecture
The Origin and Evolution of Metastatic Traits in Breast Cancer
September 18, 2014
IAS / School of Science Joint Lecture
Topological Excitations of Bose-Einstein Condensates
September 18, 2014
IAS Program on Particle Theory
Two-Higgs-doublet Model and its Scalar Dark Matter Extension
September 18, 2014
IAS / School of Science Joint Lecture
Excited Electron Dynamics in Graphene and 7a-Graphene Nanoribbons
September 17, 2014
IAS Distinguished Lecture
From Volta to Today's Li-ion Batteries and Beyond
September 15, 2014
IAS Program on Particle Theory
A Magnetic Monopole in U(1) Gauge Theory from D-brane Intersection
September 12, 2014
IAS Distinguished Lecture
Why Study Cancer by Studying Yeast Cells
September 05, 2014
IAS Program on Particle Theory
Construction and Quantisation of Skyrmions
September 04, 2014

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