UC RUSAL President's Forum

The Growth of China's Manufacturers - Talking about Legend

About the speaker

Mr. Chuanzhi Liu is Chairman of the Board and Chair of the Executive Committee of Legend Holdings; Chairman of Legend Capital, Hony Capital and Raycom Real Estate; Founder and Honorary Chairman of Lenovo.

After founding Lenovo, in 1984, with a mere RMB 200,000, Mr Liu led it forward, to continue growth, and lay a solid foundation for its future. In his role as a leader, he helped Lenovo break with traditional concepts that had restrained Chinese scientists and researchers for a long time, and he was a pioneer in developing a Chinese approach to the commercialization of technology. He pushed the Lenovo acquisition of IBM’s PC Division, which made Lenovo a global company and a valuable example for other Chinese companies wanting to go global. In February 2009, he returned to the chairmanship to help the company get through its most difficult period and turn the business around. Thanks to him, Lenovo prevailed in the competition against multinationals and became a world leader in the PC and PC+ industry. In November 2011, he retired as Lenovo’s chairman and began to focus on the new businesses of Lenovo’s parent, Legend Holdings.

Under Mr. Liu’s leadership, Legend Holdings has become a conglomerate that covers both industries and investment, and has nurtured a number of outstanding enterprises. In investment, it has fostered such leading investment platforms as Hony Capital, Legend Capital and Legend Star, supporting the entire life cycle of businesses. In industries, Legend Holdings has gotten into Consumer & Modern Services, Modern Agribusiness, Real Estate, and New Chemical Materials through a well-designed plan and is committed to build leading and trustworthy brands in those areas.

Mr. Liu was a deputy to the 16th and 17th National Congresses of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and a delegate to the 9th, 10th and 11th National People’s Congresses (NPC) of China. His other civic duties include Vice President of the 9th and 10th All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC), Vice Chairman of the Private Business Chamber of Commerce of China, Chairman of the China Entrepreneur Club (CEC), member of the advisory board of Tsinghua University’s School of Economics & Management, guest professor at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Peking University, and Renmin University.

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