Prof. Viswanath VENKATESH
Virginia Tech
Prof. Viswanath VENKATESH
Virginia Tech
Research Areas:
Understanding the Diffusion of Technologies in Organizations and Society
Prof. Viswanath Venkatesh received his bachelor degree in computer science and engineering at the PSG College of Bharathiar University in 1991, and his PhD at the University of Minnesota in 1997. He was on the faculty at the University of Maryland in 1997-2004 and University of Arkansas in 2004-2021. He joined the Virginia Tech in 2021 and is currently an Eminent Scholar and Verizon Chair of Business Information Technology at the Pamplin College of Business.
Prof. Venkatesh is widely regarded as one of the most influential scholars in business and economics. His research focuses on understanding the diffusion of technologies in organizations and society. His work has appeared in leading journals in information systems, organizational behavior, psychology, marketing and operations management journals including Management Science, MIS Quarterly, and Information Systems Research to name a few.
In 2014, he was recognized by Thompson Reuters as one of the 95 high-impact scholars in business and economics. In 2012, he was ranked the 27th most influential scholar in management. For over a decade, he has worked with companies and government agencies, and has rigorously studied real world phenomena. Recently, he served on an expert panel at the United Nations on the advancement of women. He was elected to Fellow of the Information Systems Society in 2015 and of the Association of Information Systems in 2016.