Prof. Onur MUTLU
ETH Zürich
Prof. Onur MUTLU
ETH Zürich
Research Areas:
Computer Architecture, Computer Systems, Bioinformatics, Memory And Storage Systems, Hardware Security, Fault Tolerance, Hardware/Software Cooperation
Prof. Onur Mutlu obtained his dual BSc degrees in Computer Engineering and Psychology from the University of Michigan in 2000, and his MSE and PhD in Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 2002 and 2006 respectively. He then joined the Microsoft Research to start the Computer Architecture Group which focused on the research into memory systems for multi-core processors. He also held various product and research positions at Intel Corporation, Advanced Micro Devices, VMware and Google. In 2009, he moved to Carnegie Mellon University as an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and later held the Dr. William D. and Nancy W. Strecker Early Career Professorship. He joined the ETH Zürich in 2015 and is currently a Professor of Computer Science in the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Carnegie Mellon University and Bilkent University.
Prof. Mutlu’s current broader research interests are in computer architecture, computing systems, hardware security, and bioinformatics. He is especially interested in interactions across domains and between applications, system software, compilers, and microarchitecture, with a major current focus on memory and storage systems, bioinformatics, and biologically-inspired computation paradigms. A variety of techniques he and his group discovered and invented over the years have influenced the industry and have been employed in commercial microprocessors and memory/storage systems, including systems designed by Apple, Intel, IBM, Samsung, Sun Microsystems. He is the Associate Editor of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, ACM Transactions on Storage, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Transactions on Computers.
Prof. Mutlu was named an ACM Fellow in 2017, an IEEE Fellow and an Academia Europaea Member in 2018. He has received various awards for his research, teaching and educational contributions, such as the 2020 IEEE Computer Society Edward J. McCluskey Technical Achievement Award, the 2019 ACM SIGARCH Maurice Wilkes Award, the 2012 Intel Early Career Faculty Honor Program Award, the 2011 IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Architecture Young Computer Architect Award, the 2010 US National Science Foundation CAREER Award and the 2008 Microsoft Gold Star Award.