Prof. Jaideep SENGUPTA
Chair Professor of Marketing, HKUST
Prof. Jaideep SENGUPTA
Chair Professor of Marketing, HKUST
Prof. Jaideep Sengupta received a PhD in Marketing from UCLA in 1996. Prof. Sengupta worked for Department of Marketing in HKUST since 1996 and he is currently Synergis-Geoffrey YEH Professor of Business and Chair Professor of Department of Marketing at HKUST. Prof. Sengupta’s research adopts an information processing perspective to examine the effects of marketing communications, and the mechanisms underlying these effects. His prior work has contributed to an understanding of theoretical issues relating to persuasion and attitude strength; much of his later research continues to build on those themes while examining the efficacy of a variety of communication tactics ranging from flattery to the use of sex in advertising. His recent work also uses information processing insights to obtain an increased understanding of consumer behavior in several other domains, such as impulsivity and self-control, association/dissociation from reference groups, and the antecedents and consequences of optimism. Sengupta’s research has been published in Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing Research, and Journal of Consumer Psychology. He serves as an Associate Editor at JCR, and on the Editorial Boards at JMR and JCP.