Dr. TIAN Honglei
IAS HKUST - Scripps R&D Lab
Dr. TIAN Honglei
IAS HKUST - Scripps R&D Lab
Dr. Tian Honglei received his BSc degree from Tsinghua University. He joined Prof. Kathy LUO’s lab in HKUST for his MPhil degree and focused on anti-cancer drug screening and development. Afterwards, he moved to Prof. Jun XIA’s lab in HKUST for a PhD degree with research interests in proteomics and neuroscience. He joined the IAS-Scripps R&D Laboratory in 2018 under the supervision of Prof. Paul SCHIMMEL and Prof. ZHANG Mingjie. His current research involves characterization of binding partners of biological drugs derived from aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and investigation of molecular mechanism underlying therapeutic effects of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.