Prof. HUI Lam


Former Visiting Member / Professor
Professor of Physics
Columbia University

Prof. HUI Lam


Former Visiting Member / Professor
Professor of Physics
Columbia University

Research Areas:
Theoretical Astrophysics, High Energy Physics, Large Scale Structure and Cosmology

Prof. Hui Lam received his BA from University of California at Berkeley and his PhD in Physics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has held postdoctoral positions at Fermilab and the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and faculty positions at the University of Chicago and Fermilab. He was a recipient of the Outstanding Junior Investigator Award from the US Department of Energy, and was a finalist in the Blavatnik Award for Young Scientists. He is currently Professor of Physics at Columbia University.

Prof. Hui’s research interests include theoretical astrophysics, high energy physics, large scale structure and cosmology.

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