Dr. Sasidaran GOPALAN
Dr. Sasidaran GOPALAN
Dr. Sasidaran Gopalan received his PhD in Public Policy in August 2014 from the School of Policy, Government and International Affairs (SPGIA) at George Mason University (GMU), USA. His fields of specialization are international finance and development. His dissertation examined the monetary and financial dimensions of foreign bank entry in emerging and developing economies. He obtained his MSc in Economics from Madras School of Economics (Chennai, India) in 2007 and BA in Economics from Loyola College (Chennai, India) in 2005. After spending a year as a research associate at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) (2007-08), he moved to the Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) (2008-2010) where he worked on international economic policy issues concerning Asia.
Dr. Gopalan has co-authored a book published by Oxford University Press (India) entitled “Crisis, Capital Flows and FDI in Emerging Asia” and has published several academic articles in refereed national and international journals as well as contributed to book chapters in edited volumes along with various op-eds. His current research focuses on the various impacts of financial openness and capital flows on financial development and integration in emerging Asia.
Dr. Gopalan worked with Prof. Albert Francis PARK.