Dr. MEI Ju
Former IAS Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. MEI Ju
Former IAS Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr. Mei Ju received her Bachelor's degree in Material Chemistry from China University of Geosciences in Wuhan in 2008. She was then admitted by Zhejiang University as a PhD candidate waived of the entrance examination.
In June 2013, she was awarded a PhD degree in Polymer Chemistry and Physics from Zhejiang University. After graduation, she joined HKUST and is currently an IAS Postdoctoral Fellow. She has authored and co-authored about 20 scientific papers and is an inventor of two Chinese patents. Her current research interests include (1) developing novel luminescent materials; (2) bio-detecting or sensing based on fluorescent molecules.
Dr. Mei worked with Prof. TANG Benzhong.
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Chemistry-A European Journal