Dr. JIA Hongwei
Dr. JIA Hongwei
Dr. Jia Hongwei received his PhD from Nankai University in 2016. Then he became a sponsored researcher at the University of Birmingham until February 2019 prior to his service at the Department of Physics of HKUST as a postdoctoral fellow. Since June 2020, he has been appointed as a Research Assistant Professor in the same department and concurrently a Junior Fellow in the HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study. Dr. Jia’s current research focuses on engineering synthetic non-Abelian gauge fields in inhomogeneous topological photonic systems, so as to mimic interaction between Fermions and gauge Bosons (i.e. gravity, weak force and strong force), and thus explore the associated interesting phenomena. He has published more than 15 research outputs including some in high-impact journals, e.g. Science, Nature Physics and Physical Review Letters (PRL).
Dr. Jia works with Prof. CHAN Che Ting, Department of Physics.