Dr. Heejeong JEONG
Dr. Heejeong JEONG
Dr. Heejeong Jeong received her PhD in Physics from Duke University in 2006. During her PhD study, she first observed Optical Precursors directly by building a magneto-optical trap (MOT) of cold potassium atoms. After graduation, she moved to Dartmouth College to perform precursor research as a postdoctoral fellow from 2006 to 2008. During that period, she further investigated fundamental properties of the "resonant" optical precursors compared to the classical concepts and its analogy of quantum optics. She also performed ultrafast pulse experiments in various systems such as water and Er-doped fiber for potential applications in optical communication. With the collaboration with Prof. Shengwang Du, Dr. Jeong suggested two-way transparency in EIT and stacked coherent transients, as observed in Rb 2D MOT. In 2008, she joined Samsung Electronics and moved to Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology to carry out R&D of next-generation optoelectronic devices. In august 2016, Dr. Jeong became a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at HKUST, and her current interests are in the area of coherent light-matter interactions in quantum optics level.