IAS Program on Wave Functional Materials

Ultra-transparency and Nontrivial Flat Band in Photonic Crystals


Photonic crystals and metamaterials have enormously enriched human's ability to control electromagnetic waves. Based on these new materials, unprecedented applications such as optical waveguides and chips, cloaking, illusion optics, and optical blackholes have been proposed. In this talk, the speaker will discuss some of the latest research results in photonic crystals. First, certain bands in photonic crystals may be regarded as homogeneous effective nonlocal media, which could expand Brewster's angle from a single incident angle to a wide range of incident angles, and lead to ultra-transparency at a single frequency. Second, a type of photonic crystals designed to exhibit ultra-transparency in the whole optical regime for normal incidence. Third, a nontrivial flat band achieved without utilizing defects or localized resonances as required by normal flat band structures. These findings may open unprecedented possibilities for novel optical devices.


About the speaker

Prof. Lai Yun obtained his Bachelor's degree in Nanjing University in 1999 and his PhD degree in HKUST in 2005. He was a Research Associate in HKUST after graduation and became a professor in Soochow University in 2011. Prof. Lai has published more than 30 Science papers including 2 in Nature Materials, 1 in Nature Communications, and 5 in Physical Review Letters. The total citation of his paper exceeds 1000. His current research interest is focused on novel phenomenon in a wide range of wave functional materials like photonic crystls, metamaterials and plasmonics.

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