Past Events


IAS / School of Science Joint Lecture
Making a Quantum Computer
November 25, 2016
IAS Program on Particle Theory
The Initial State of the Universe
November 24, 2016
IAS Program on Inverse Problems, Imaging and Partial Differential Equations
Fast MR Imaging Using Sparse Sampling
November 23, 2016
IAS / School of Engineering Seminar Series in Artificial Intelligence
AI for Robotics: Building Jibo, The First Social Robot for the Home
November 22, 2016
IAS Program on Inverse Problems, Imaging and Partial Differential Equations
The Local Inverse Problem for the Geodesic X-ray Transform on Tensors and Boundary Rigidity
November 22, 2016
IAS Program on Chinese Creative Writing
November 22, 2016
IAS / School of Engineering Joint Lecture
Big Data Analytics: Profiling User Preferences via Mining Wi-Fi Logs
November 17, 2016
IAS Distinguished Lecture
Dynamic Chemistry for Selective Synthesis and Catalysis
November 17, 2016
IAS / School of Engineering Seminar Series in Artificial Intelligence
AI for FinTech: Machine Learning in Finance
November 16, 2016
IAS Distinguished Lecture
Behavioral Finance
November 16, 2016

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