Co-evolution of Complex Aeronautical System and Complex System Engineering
With the evolution of the aeronautical system from mechanical to mechatronics, from smart connected to product system, and even to system of systems, the system complexity has been growing exponentially. The traditional system engineering has been facing a severe challenge by failing to deal with the system complexity, as the “divide then conquer” methodology no longer works today. So the paradigm shift from traditional document-based system engineering to the model-based system engineering (MBSE) to deal with system complexity is necessary. In the MBSE paradigm, the new ways of “conquer then divide” make early and continuous verification available, and ensure the requirement traceability to accommodate the evolutionary complex system engineering process even for the whole life cycle of the systems. In this lecture, the analysis and description for the co-evolution of the complex aeronautical system and complex system engineering will be presented.
About the speaker
Dr. Zhang Xin-Guo obtained his bachelor degree in theoretical mechanics from Northwestern Polytechnical University in 1982. He then joined the AVIC Xi’An Flight Automatic Control Research Institute (FACRI) as a team leader and received his PhD in flight control, guidance and navigation from Beihang University in 1995 while he was working in FACRI. In 2001, he was appointed the President and Chief Engineer of the Institute. In 2006, he joined the China Aviation Industry Corporation 1 (AVIC-1) as the Vice President and moved to the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) in 2008. He is currently the Executive Vice President and CIO of AVIC. He is also the president of the Chinese Aeronautics Establishment.
Dr. Zhang is the President of Beijing Chapter of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), Vice Chairman of the Board of Chinese Society of Aeronautics & Astronautics (CSAA), Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and Senior Member of IEEE. He has published books titled The New Wave of Scientific Management and Theory and Application of Maturity Model in Defense Materiel System Engineering. He also translated INCOSE’s System Engineering Handbook and Survey of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) Methodologies into Chinese.