Past Events


IAS Program on Particle Theory
Higgs Boson Physics in Standard Model and Beyond
May 12, 2016
IAS / School of Engineering Joint Lecture
e-Heritage Project
May 11, 2016
IAS / School of Engineering Joint Lecture
The Impact of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge on the Pearl River Delta
April 28, 2016
IAS Program on Particle Theory
Towards Holographic Properties of Black Hole in a Finite Box
April 26, 2016
IAS Focused Program
Casimir and van der Waals Physics: Progress and Prospects
April 25 - 28, 2016
IAS / School of Humanities and Social Science Joint Lecture
April 25, 2016
IAS Program on Wave Functional Materials
New Physics in “Energy-balanced” Zero-index Medium
April 20, 2016
IAS / SHSS / HUMA Conference
April 19, 2016

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