Past Events


Nobel Lecture
GFP: Lighting Up Life
January 27, 2014
IAS / School of Science Joint Lecture
Organ Development and Regeneration in Zebrafish
January 23, 2014
IAS Distinguished Lecture
Nanostructured Functional Hybrid Materials by Taming Radicals
January 22, 2014
IAS Distinguished Lecture
Quantum Reality
January 20, 2014
IAS Program on Wave Functional Materials
Arbitrary Control of Electromagnetic Flux in Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Zero-index Media
January 18, 2014
IAS Program on Wave Functional Materials
Cerenkov-like Radiation in Microfibers and its Application as Detectors
January 18, 2014
IAS Distinguished Lecture
Complexity and Time-Reversed Waves: From Metamaterial to Medicine
January 14, 2014

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