IAS Distinguished Lecture

Nanostructured Functional Hybrid Materials by Taming Radicals


Copper-based ATRP (atom transfer radical polymerization) catalytic systems with polydentate nitrogen ligands are among the most efficient controlled/living radical polymerization systems. Recently, by applying new initiating/catalytic systems, Cu level in ATRP was reduced to a few ppm.

ATRP of acrylates, methacrylates, styrenes, acrylamides, acrylonitrile and many other vinyl monomers provides polymers with molecular weights in a large range 200 < Mn < 20,000,000 and with low polydispersities. Polymers can be formed quantitatively in bulk, in solution and in dispersed media. Block, graft, star, hyperbranched, gradient and periodic copolymers, molecular brushes and various hybrid materials as well as bioconjugates have been prepared. The (co)polymers made by ATRP have many potential applications as components of advanced materials such as coatings, elastomers, adhesives, surfactants, dispersants, lubricants, additives, but also as specialty materials in biomedical and electronic areas and will affect the market of ~$20 billion/year. Examples of design, synthesis, characterization and applications of nanostructured multicomponent polymeric materials prepared via ATRP will be presented.

About the speaker

Prof. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski received his PhD from the Polish Academy of Sciences in 1976. He was research associate there and then at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). He joined Carnegie Mellon University in 1985, where he founded and directs the Center for Macromolecular Engineering, and is currently J.C. Warner Professor of Natural Sciences and University Professor.

Prof. Matyjaszewski's research expertise includes preparation and processing of precisely controlled polymers to reach targeted materials properties, correlation of macromolecular structure with macroscopic properties; synthesis of well-defined macromolecules via living and controlled polymerizations; preparation of well-defined polymers and hybrids for optoelectronic, biomedical and special applications; inorganic and organometallic polymers, and homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, etc. He is a co-inventor on 46 issued US patented technologies, holding 132 international patents and has 26 US patent applications pending approval. He has authored 17 books, 83 book chapters and more than 800 peer-reviewed scientific papers. His work has been cited in the scientific literature more than 58,000 times, making him one of the most cited chemists in the world.

Prof. Matyjaszewski received numerous prestigious awards for his work, including the Société Chimique de France Prize, the Dannie Heineman Prize from the Goettingen Academy of Sciences, the Japanese Society for Polymer Science Award and the Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award. He has been honored by the American Chemical Society with their inaugural 2013 AkzoNobel North America Science Award, the Herman F. Mark Award, Polymer Chemistry Award, and the Carl S. Marvel Creative Polymer Chemistry Award, etc. He also received the UK Macro Medal for outstanding achievements in polymer science, Humboldt Award for Senior US Scientists and a Presidential Young Investigator Award from the National Science Foundation. His work has been well recognized in his native country of Poland, where he received the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Medal from Polish Chemical Society and the Annual Prize of the Foundation of Polish Science, referred to as the Polish Nobel Prize. In 2011, Prof. Matyjaszewski shared the Wolf Prize in Chemistry with Prof Stuart A. Rice and Prof. Ching W. TANG, for their deep creative contributions to the chemical sciences in the field of synthesis, properties and an understanding of organic materials. He is a Fellow of the American Chemical Society, a Member of the US National Academy of Engineering and of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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