Past Events


IAS Program on Particle Theory
Gravity Duals of 3d Gauge Theories
March 26, 2014
IAS / School of Humanities and Social Science Joint Lecture
Challenging (and maybe Transforming) Capitalism through Real Utopias
March 24, 2014
IAS / School of Humanities and Social Science Joint Lecture
The Impact of Next-Generation e-Learning: Using Researches on Hongloumeng as an Example
March 24, 2014
IAS / School of Humanities and Social Science Joint Lecture
Stratification and Mobility in Multiple Generations
March 20, 2014
IAS / School of Science Joint Lecture
Raman Spectroscopy of Graphene and Nanotubes
March 18, 2014
IAS Program on Wave Functional Materials
Transformation Optics and Applications / Metamaterial-based Antennas
March 07, 2014
IAS Program on Particle Theory
Wave Tails in Minkowski, de Sitter, FLRW and QED_2
March 06, 2014
IAS Program on Particle Theory
Preparing for Discovery: Supersymmetry Searches at the LHC
February 27, 2014

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