IAS Program on Particle Theory

From M-theory Higher Curvature Terms to Alpha' Corrections in F-theory


The speaker analyzes higher derivative corrections to M-theory, which is accessible through its low energy effective theory given by 11-dimensional supergravity. Performing a Kaluza-Klein reduction on a Calabi-Yau fourfold he receives higher derivative corrections to the 3-dimensional, N=2 action. The classical expressions for the 3-dimensional Kähler coordinates are non-trivially modified, while the functional form of the Kä̈hler potential is shown to be uncorrected. Via the F-theory these corrections can be uplifted to the 4-dimensional N=1 theory. The interpretation of these corrections leads to conjecture that the higher-curvature corrections correspond to alpha‘^2 corrections that arise from open strings at the self-intersection of seven-branes.


About the program

For details, please visit the program website at http://iasprogram.ust.hk/particle_theory.

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