Past Events


IAS Distinguished Lecture
Applications of Nanosystems to Environment and Energy Issues
December 17, 2008
IAS Distinguished Lecture
Science and Policies for Climate Change
December 12, 2008
IAS / HKUST Bioengineering Graduate Program Joint Seminar
Maxwell's Demon and Biotechnology: Some Devilish Ways to Separate the Living from the Dead
October 03, 2008
IAS Distinguished Lecture
K-Theory and the Index of Elliptic Operators
September 04 - 12, 2008
IAS Distinguished Lecture
How Advances in Science Are Made
July 28, 2008
IAS Distinguished Lecture
Low Cost ‘Plastic’ Solar Cells
June 13, 2008
IAS Distinguished Lecture
Cars: Chemistry in Motion
June 05, 2008
IAS Distinguished Lecture
Biomedical Sciences in the New Century
May 26, 2008

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