IAS / School of Science Joint Lecture

Neutron Scattering in Hong Kong – Present and Future


Neutron scattering is a powerful method to characterize the structure and dynamics of materials. The China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS), a ~3 billion RMB facility under construction in Dongguan (~70 km north of Hong Kong) and due to commission in 2018, offers tremendous opportunities for the scientific community in Hong Kong. Since about 2013, there have been steady efforts to promote the use of neutron scattering in Hong Kong. As a result, a budding user community is forming, particularly with young faculties recently joining local universities. In this talk, the speaker will highlight the applications of neutron scattering, with a focus on energy-related materials. References will be made to studies by faculties in Hong Kong and Macau, on thermoelectric materials, Li-ion batteries, high entropy alloys, and metallic glasses. Scientific opportunities at and strategies to make use of CSNS will be discussed.


About the speaker

Prof. Wang Xun-Li received his BS from Peking University and PhD from Iowa State University, both in Physics. He had been working at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the US since 1992, rising through the ranks to Distinguished Staff Member. In 2012, Prof. Wang joined the City University of Hong Kong as a Chair Professor and Head of the Department of Physics and Materials Science.

Prof. Wang’s research focuses on in-situ scattering studies that elucidate the guiding principles underlying the development of new materials or engineering systems capable of reaching the ultimate performance. He used neutron scattering as a primary tool, to understand deformation and phase transformation behavior in complex materials.

Prof. Wang received numerous of awards including the A. F. Davis Medal by the American Welding Society (1999), the Outstanding Oversea Young Scientist Award by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (2006) and the Outstanding Oversea Scholars by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2008). He was elected the Chang Jiang Chair Professor by the Chinese Ministry of Education (2009) and the Fellow of the American Physical Society (2010).


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