IAS Program on Particle Theory

Construction and Quantisation of Skyrmions


In this seminar, the speaker will first give a brief introduction to the Skyrme model. He will talk about the construction of approximate solutions of the Skyrme model using the rational map ansatz. The cubic grid method of constructing rational maps will be discussed, and pictures of several new solutions will be presented. In the second half of the seminar, the speaker will discuss the semi-classical quantisation of tetrahedrally-symmetric Skyrmions and describe the procedures of finding the allowed quantum states of the Skyrmions. Using the cubic grid method, the speaker will show that the allowed quantum states of all the tetrahedrally-symmetric Skyrmions constructed from the cubic grid can be classified into three sets.

About the program

For more information, please refer to the program website at http://iasprogram.ust.hk/particle_theory.


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