Fundamental Physics Seminar Series

Unimodular JT Gravity and de Sitter Quantum Cosmology


In this talk, the speaker will show how a gauge-theoretic approach to Jackiw–Teitelboim (JT) gravity naturally yields a two-dimensional Henneaux–Teitelboim (HT) unimodular theory, applicable to both flat and curved spacetimes. Under a mini-superspace reduction, the Wheeler–DeWitt equation becomes a Schrödinger-like equation admitting a consistent, unitary quantum description. The resulting wavefunction describes a quantum distribution for the scale factor, illuminating cosmic expansion and contraction, and allowing topology change at a=0.

About the Speaker

Mr. Farbod RASSOULI is a second-year PhD student at the University of Nottingham under supervision of Dr. Oliver GOULD and Prof. Paul SAFFIN. He is currently working on twofold: Strong Phase Transition in QFT and Unimodular Gravity in lower dimensions.

He completed his Undergrad at Royal Holloway University of London (2017-2022) and Master in Science in Quantum Fields and Fundamental Forcer at Imperial College London (2022-2023). His r
esearch interest includes, quantum cosmology, topology change and phase transition in QFT.

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