IAS Program

Statistics and Computational Interface to Big Data


Big Data arises from many frontiers of scientific research and decision and policy making. It holds great promise for the discovery of heterogeneity in the population for personalized treatments and services as well as possibly weak patterns in possibly heterogeneous populations. It involves any voluminous amount of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data that has the potential to be mined for information. It is an interdisciplinary area that requires collaborations and cross-fertilizations among Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics.

The program will bring together a number of prominent researchers in Statistics, Computer Science, and Applied Mathematics with interests in big data to share their research findings, to exchange ideas, and to encourage interactions and collaborations amongst participants.



  • 4 January 2015: Short Courses
  • 5-10 January 2015: Workshop
  • 11-16 January 2015: Mini-workshop & Discussion


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