Past Events


IAS Program on Particle Theory
Higgs Sector Characterization and Aspects of the Flavor Puzzle
November 15, 2016
School of Science and IAS Nobel Prize Popular Science Lecture
From Donuts to Quantum Computers - Nobel Prize in Physics 2016
November 10, 2016
IAS Program on Wave Functional Materials
Photonics Meets Mechanics in the Nanoworld
November 10, 2016
School of Science and IAS Nobel Prize Popular Science Lecture
Autophagy: Recycling for Good Causes
November 09, 2016
IAS / School of Science Joint Lecture
Classical and Quantum Chaos
November 09, 2016
IAS / School of Engineering Joint Lecture
Development of Rocket Engines – A Chief Engineer & Technologist Perspective
November 07, 2016
IAS / School of Science Joint Lecture
Neutron Scattering in Hong Kong – Present and Future
November 03, 2016
IAS / School of Science Joint Lecture
The Chemical Bond - 100 Years Old, but Still Making an Essential Contribution
November 03, 2016

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