Past Events


IAS Seminar Series on Big Data
Making Sense of Big Data with the Berkeley Data Analytics Stack
November 25, 2014
IAS Focused Program
Bio-inspired Flight System and Bio-inspired Autonomous System
November 24 - December 03, 2014
IAS Symposium
Light Science and Its Applications
November 24, 2014
IAS Commons
Inverse Problems and Harry Potter's Cloak
November 21, 2014
IAS / HKUST Energy Institute Joint Workshop
Workshop on Sustainable Power Systems with High Renewables
November 21, 2014
School of Science and IAS Nobel Prize Popular Science Lecture
Lighting in the 21st Century - From Blue LED to White
November 20, 2014
IAS Distinguished Lecture
Spacetime, Quantum Mechanics and Scattering Amplitudes
November 20, 2014
Business School and IAS Nobel Prize Popular Science Lecture
2014 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences - Jean Tirole: Man of Economics
November 19, 2014
IAS Seminar Series on Big Data
How Science Thinks (and How to Think Better)
November 17, 2014

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