IAS Center for Quantum Technologies Seminar Series

Optics Interference and Quantum Information Processing


Interference contains the only mystery of quantum mechanics. Meanwhile optical interference is a key technology enabling quantum information tasks. Here, the speaker shall briefly review the quantum interference technology. And then he shall focus on recent quantum key distribution and quantum imaging experiments based on the quantum interference technology. In the end of the talk, he shall provide a perspective on quantum network.


About the Speaker

Prof. ZHANG Qiang is a Professor of Physics in University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) from which he received his bachelor's degree and PhD in 2001 and 2006 respectively. He spent one year in University of Heidelberg as a visiting student from 2005 to 2006. Then he has implemented Postdoctoral research in Stanford University from 2006 to 2011. In 2011, he returned to USTC as a professor. Prof. Zhang has primarily worked on experimental quantum physics and quantum information. He has published 130 articles in peer-reviewed journals, including 7 in Nature, 14 in Nature sub-journals, and 47 in PRL(X). He was elected as an OSA fellow in 2021, the chair of ITU Focus Group on Quantum Information Technology for Network and the secretary of general of China Quantum Computation and Metrology Standardization Council. He was awarded the Xplore Prize in 2023.


For Attendees' Attention

Seating is on a first come, first served basis.


About the Center

For more information, please refer to the center website at https://iascqt.hkust.edu.hk/.

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