IAS Center for Quantum Technologies

Meet the Quantum Computers: Exhibition, Research Labs Tour and Hands-on Experience

[Update on October 10, 2021 (Sunday) at 9:00am]
Please note that today’s exhibition and guided demonstration & labs tour sessions will be held as scheduled.

Since the weather condition will still be unstable today, please check out this page regularly for any update on the arrangements.



This exhibition provides you with a first encounter of a real quantum computer. Although a general-purpose quantum computer with thousands or even more qubits are still far from reach, in this exhibition we feature a prototypical quantum computer with two qubits. The system uses the nuclear spins of the phosphorous and hydrogen atoms in a dimethylphosphite molecule to define a two-qubit quantum register. These nuclear spins can then be initialized, addressed, and subsequently read-out using nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. In the demonstration, you will witness how the qubits can be manipulated and observe, in real time, the results of a quantum computation. The development of quantum computers is only at infancy; you are now part of the witness. Welcome to the future.


9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Exhibition of display boards

Guided demonstration and research labs tour session (Registration required)


Time Slots:
    •  9:00 am - 11:00 am
    •  10:00 am - 12:00 nn
    •  2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
    •  3:00 pm - 5:00 pm



IAS Center for Quantum Technologies


Prior registration is required for attending the guided demonstration and research lab tours sessions. Please register online at http://ias.ust.hk/events/202110qc/register.

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