IAS Distinguished Lecture

Mechanism and Function of Spindle Orientation in Drosophila Neural Progenitors


Stem cells are captivating because they have the potential to make multiple cell types yet maintain their undifferentiated state. Recent studies of Drosophila neural stem cells (called neuroblasts) have shed light on how stem cells regulate self-renewal versus differentiation and have revealed evolutionarily-conserved proteins, processes and pathways that converge to regulate neural progenitor self-renewal. If one can better understand how stem cells balance self-renewal versus differentiation, he/she will significantly advance the knowledge of embryogenesis, cancer biology and brain evolution, as well as the use of stem cells for therapeutic purposes. Here the speaker will discuss new findings on Drosophila neuroblast self-renewal, including the role of two genes previously not known to play a role in progenitor self-renewal. If time permits, the speaker will also discuss the role of spindle orientation in regulating progenitor self-renewal.

About the speaker

Prof. Chris Doe received his PhD in Developmental Neurobiology from Stanford University in 1987. He was Assistant Professor and then Associate Professor of Cell and Structural Biology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He joined the University of Oregon in 1998, and is currently Professor of Institute of Neuroscience. He is also an Investigator in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Prof. Doe’s research interests focus on generation of neuron and glial diversity in the drosophila central nervous system and asymmetric cell division in drosophila.

Prof. Doe was elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1999. He received numerous awards including the Presidential Young Investigator Award by the National Science Foundation, the International Human Frontier Science Program Award, the Annual Creativity in Electronics Award, etc.


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