IAS Distinguished Lecture

Geometry is a Singular Subject


A great deal of current research in differential geometry has to do with what mathematicians call singularities. These range from corners which arise in optimal networks and compound soap bubbles to infinite curvature regions in geometric flows to black holes in general relativity. The speaker will attempt to explain in a non-technical way what a singularity is and how they arise in some examples. In addition, the speaker will give a broad outline of the role of singularities in proofs of major theorems including the Poincaré conjecture, differentiable sphere theorem, and the Penrose singularity theorem in general relativity. 


About the Speaker

Prof. SCHOEN is one of the world’s top mathematicians recognized for his groundbreaking contributions in the fields of differential geometry and general relativity. He is a Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Excellence in Teaching Chair at the University of California, Irvine. He has received numerous accolades, including the Bôcher Memorial Prize in 1989 and the Wolf Prize in Mathematics in 2017.  

Prof. Schoen’s research has made significant contributions to mathematics. He collaborated with his doctoral supervisor Prof. YAU Shing-Tung to prove the fundamental positive mass theorem in general relativity in 1979. He solved the Yamabe problem on compact manifolds in 1984, and alongside Prof. Simon BRENDLE, he proved the differentiable sphere theorem in 2007.


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