HKUST Red Bird Visiting Scholars Lecture Series

Construction and Application of the Chinese Traditional Music Database


The advent of the AI era has posed new challenges to musical creativity, making music data an increasingly vital foundation for research in music artificial intelligence, particularly in the realm of digitizing Chinese traditional music. In this lecture, the speaker will introduce the development of the CCMusic Data Sharing Platform, a comprehensive music audio database. The platform encompasses multiple datasets, including MIR (Music Information Retrieval) multifunctional dataset, Chinese traditional musical instrument audio dataset, Chinese music dataset, and multimodal music generation. Additionally, the lecture will showcase research cases in computational musicology, artistic presentation, and expression based on the data platform.


About the Speaker

Dr. LI Zijin is a professor in the Department of Music AI and Music Information Technology at the Central Conservatory of Music with a Ph.D. in Music Acoustics. She is also a co-founder of the International AI Creativity Lab at Tsinghua University and QUML, where she spearheads innovative research and collaborations. Her research interests are in music acoustics, music database construction and the design of new musical instruments. She has served as a guest editor for prestigious journals such as Frontiers: Human-Centred Computer Audition: Sound, Music, and Healthcare, as well as the Journal of Cognitive Computation and Systems (JCCS) SI: Perception and Cognition in Music Technology.

Dr. LI has contributed to the organization of conferences such as the Summit on Music Intelligence (SOMI2021), the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME2021), the IEEE MIPR AIArt Workshop, and the Innovative Musical Instrument Design Forum at the Shanghai International Musical Instruments Exhibition.

Dr. LI serves as the Secretary-General of the Computing Art Branch of the China Computer Federation (CCF) and the Secretary-General of the Art and Artificial Intelligence Committee of the Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence (CAAI). Additionally, she is the Vice President of the Future Music Technology Committee of the China Musical Instrument Association. She serves as the co-chair and chief judge for the Asia-Pacific region of the "Denny Awards" for New Music Equipment Invention and the chair and judge of the Innovative Musical Instrument Design group at the International Electronic Music Competition (IEMC). Furthermore, she actively participates as a judge in the National College Digital Art Design Competition (NCDA).

For Attendees' Attention

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